I love this book!  Need I say more? 

OK, I will.  This is about a little duckling who is easily distracted and doesn’t stay by momma duck, and the pond becomes a very scary place full of danger when she finds herself all alone.  So it’s a cautionary tale.  I had really hoped that reading it to my son (who would constantly run off with zero concern about being away from mommy or getting lost) would learn a little lesson from it(heh heh).  Yeah, it didn’t change anything.  But it does provide a platform to talk about the importance of staying with mommy or daddy when out in public.

I love the word choice: my favorite page goes, “Plog! went a frog.  ‘Quack,’ said Daisy. ‘Ribbit,’ said the frog.”  And the pictures are darling.  This would be a good one to “read” to babies.  Pick a favorite page, or however many they’ll sit through, and just tell a simple little story about just that page.  Point out the characters and where they’re at and just let them take in the picture.